Google Docs Forms - Exploring the Front-End
Let's recap. What we are about to do in this part is to save a Google Docs Form entirely (HTML+CSS), write PHP scripts which will replace Google's own back-end, and set the form to work with these scripts.This is the form in question:
Note that it's actually a link to with two parameters in its URL - formkey and gid. Navigating directly to the viewform script returns an error; we can't really read this from Google. Which is why I decided to use PHP for this job - it just reminded me of how PHP behaves, always responding to a GET request with generated HTML.
This is a questionnaire with 50 questions. Working with Chrome, you can hit the F12 key to show the developer window. From the Console tab, you can enter this code to check all radio buttons to 1:
_radios = document.getElementsByClassName('ss-q-radio');for(i = 0; i < _radios.length; i++){ _radio = _radios[i]; if (_radio.value == "1") { _radio.checked = true; }}(this post is written after I examined the page's source-code, which is how I got this code written.)
Nevertheless, let's not do that right away; go to the bottom of the page and submit the form as it is. You'll get to an error screen:
which is the same screen you'll get when you submit the form correctly.
So now, it's clear the two scripts are working here: viewform and formResponse. The first displays the form initially; the second validates the input, and either displays the form with the necessary error marks or simply displays a success message. Google being our model for good design, this is the template we are about to follow.
A third and unseen factor here is the SQL table. In Google Docs, creating a form automatically creates the linked Google Docs Spreadsheet which contains all the entries of people who filled the form. This is a very user-friendly view of the data. Unfortunately for our researcher, I will not supply such a nice interface. I can use the Google Docs spreadsheet, though
Into the Form's Source
Viewing the source-code of our form, a couple of points pop out.First of all, for an automatically-generated page, the code is very need. It contains a single HTML <form>, refers to only one CSS stylesheet, and contains just one snippet of Javascript code, which is here below.
(function() {var divs = document.getElementById('ss-form').getElementsByTagName('div');var numDivs = divs.length;for (var j = 0; j < numDivs; j++) {if (divs[j].className == 'errorbox-bad') {divs[j].lastChild.firstChild.lastChild.focus();return;}}for (var i = 0; i < numDivs; i++) {var div = divs[i];if (div.className == 'ss-form-entry' &&div.firstChild &&div.firstChild.className == 'ss-q-title') {div.lastChild.focus();return;}}})();What this snippet does, is to focus the page on either the title of the Form or on the highest errorbox (returned by formResponse when a required field is missing). It is placed near the end of the page's <body> and is designated to run as soon as the rest of the page has been parsed.
These kind of things are exactly the reason why I chose to scrape everything from Google Docs. I've done a couple of relatively small projects regarding web design and have come very quickly to the conclusion, that it's very hard to write HTML and CSS which display well on all browsers and on all platforms. I take this code from Google since I trust them. If anyone get do it right - I believe it is them. When I go to the Form page from Chrome, I believe I get the same page I'd get when I'd browse from either IE or Firefox; and it will display just right on all three.
To sum everything up, the design will should be as follows:
- viewform - will display the initial form. While Google's version takes the formkey parameter to identify the form, we can serve static HTML. The <form> element's action should be our formResponse script.
- formResponse - given the form data by the POST method, this page should:
- If all required fields have been filled: save the data to the SQL. Display a link or re-direct to Turk's assignment approval URL...
- Otherwise, if some inputs are missing: display the questionnaire again. If we choose to highlight the problematic parts (just as Google Docs does), that means some tampering with the returned HTML is required - we can't just serve static content. The effort is very close to generating the entire page content dynamically according to the questionnaire's structure. Perhaps giving up on this question-specific error highlighting is the wise thing to do right now...
A small note I forgot to mention on the previous post. I've mentioned the mandatory reason for writing our own code is to hook up with Turk. But now that we have control over the form using Javascript et al., we can do some other cool things. For instance - a Youtube video is being showed to our test subjects. We can use the Youtube Javascript API to make the form's submit button active only after the movie has been displayed. Also, we can verify the time it took our test subjects to complete the form, which is useful for making sure they didn't do it too fast. That's a nice benefit.
So what's next?
- Write a PHP page which returns a form, which redirects its data to a second PHP page.
- Write the second PHP page which can observe the data sent by the first and decided if it's OK or not.
- If data is missing, have the second PHP page display an error message.
- If the data is OK, write it to an SQL table and display a link to Turk's confirmation URL.
So this is it - this is the point where I should really start writing some code. The default location for WampServer's index page is C:\wamp\www and this is exactly where I am heading.
Wait for the next post for some code examples.
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