Install the following to get a fully working IPython Notebook:
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev
$ sudo pip install pyzmq
$ sudo pip install jinja2
$ sudo pip install pygments
$ sudo pip install tornado
$ sudo pip install jsonschema
$ sudo pip install ipython
$ sudo pip install "ipython[notebook]"
If you want to use this machine as a server, follow these instructions:
These instructions including creating an SSL key pair so that you can access the IPython server via https from a remote machine.
$ sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libfreetype6
$ sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
$ sudo apt-get install g++
$ sudo pip install matplotlib
And finally, install GraphLab Create:
$ pip install graphlab-create
Note: for GraphLab Create to work, your Python instance should be built with the UCS4 flag. To check if that was the case:
(Taken from: )
When built with --enable-unicode=ucs4:
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.maxunicode
When built with --enable-unicode=ucs2:
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.maxunicode
GraphLab Create Product Key Setup
After GraphLab is installed, you need to get a product key from (for free, after a simple and short registration). When you register, you receive the product key within a script for installing it into the appropriate directory. In case you lost the script and only have the product key, you can also set it via GraphLab itself.
>>> import graphlab as gl
>>> gl.product_key.set_product_key("PRODUCT KEY OBTAINED FROM DATO AFTER REGISTRATION")