1) Where do I get GraphLab from?
2) What IDE should I use in my Python projects?
The first answer is to use the Dato Launcher. This is a bundle of Python, GraphLab Create and IPython Notebook. IPython Notebook is the best IDE for data scientists, and is also what we use in the Coursera Machine Learning Foundations course.
The second answer is JetBrains' PyCharm, which is becoming the de-facto standard Python IDE. This is what we use in big projects which also require lots of debugging.
To make PyCharm use the Python bundled in the Dato Launcher, follow the following instructions, which are detailed and include lots of screenshots.
You can download this PDF version of the instructions, which is included in a single file, or the HTML version which is zipped. Unzip all files to see the pictures as well.
This guide was originally written in MarkDown using the Mou editor.